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HP Looking To Sell WebOS Mobile Patents : Bloomerg

News just came in that Hewlett-Packard Co. could be making a further break from its web OS past. As per Bloomerg the company is looking to sell part of its mobile patent portfolio. Anonymous sources say HP has removed some conditions that would make the patents less attractive and is now approaching potential buyers about taking on the intellectual property from, among other things, its web OS mobile platform. HP acquired webOS in 2010 when it bought Palm, and the operating system was used on the Palm Pre phone and HP TouchPad tablet, among other devices. But HP's mobile division ultimately floundered; the company made web OS an open source platform, then sold the code off to LG in February of 2013.

Hewlett-Packard, the world’s second-largest maker of personal computers, is trying to recover from several years of management turmoil, declining sales and profit and a balance sheet damaged by bad acquisitions. Whitman, in her third year as CEO, is stabilizing revenue, returning more cash to shareholders and has crafted a mobile-computing approach centered around Microsoft Corp.’s Windows operating system and Google Inc.’s Android.

“We don’t comment on rumor and speculation,” said Michael Thacker, a spokesman for Hewlett-Packard.

While LG owns web OS as a project, though, HP kept control of the patents behind it and simply cut a licensing deal with LG. That could pay off now, as CEO Meg Whitman continues her attempts to get the company back on track. LG hopes to release TVs running web OS in 2014, and Bloomerg also says that HP's patent agreement won't make it harder to sell off the portfolio. Besides the patents, HP also maintained control of webOS cloud services. Though Whitman has continued to insist that the company can be saved, revenue fell by 8 percent last quarter, with all units under performing. A plan to increase revenue by 2014, she said after the earnings were revealed, now seems unlikely.


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